How To Promote Your Amazon Listings and Drive More Sales?

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Have you listed your products on Amazon and still waiting for the first order or hardly getting any order?

If Yes, we as the best amazon advertising agency would like to help your business grow in amazon. You can follow these Top 9 killer amazon hacks to Promote your Amazon Listings and Drive More Sales.

Let’s get started!

Top 9 Tips to promote Amazon listings and drive more sales.

1. Choose the right products

To drive more sales in Amazon, in the first place, you should choose the right product. The reason is, there should be a decent demand in Amazon for the product which you are planning to sell on Amazon. In fact, any experienced Amazon Marketing Agency would guide you to do the basic research about the demand for the product before even selecting it and piling up the stock. This is the first and foremost and extremely significant phase in successful selling experience in Amazon. Quickly you can do the following to check the demand,
  1. Go to Amazon and search for the product. 
  2. Select the very first organic result of that product.
  3. Check the seller rank of the product on Amazon. 
  4. If the seller rank is less than 5000 then you can expect a good volume of sales.

2. List products under the right category

It’s common that sellers get confused in finding the right categories to list the product as there are a lot of available categories for specific types of products.

But you need to be careful while selecting the product category because it may lead to poor visibility and low ranking.

To avoid confusion between two similar categories, you can add the product under the first and top-level categories.

3. Perfect Title

Amazon shows the products for keywords based on various factors, the basic and important factor is Product Title.

You should give a more readable and very informative title. So that the customer can know the important product details from the title.

Amazon allows 250 characters for the title so you will be able to give enough information in the title itself.

So you can include important details like brand name, product name (product keyword), model, size, quality, colors, etc.

If you don’t know what to include, then think that if you are searching for the specific product, what are all the information you will expect in the title. Make a list of this information and review them twice. After reviewing it include it in the Product Title.

4. Optimize images

First and foremost the customers look into the product images. You can give the main image and additional image in various angles to show your product visually. Particularly, the main image can be in a white background and it can be attractive as you can recognize easily. In the additional image, you can give different angles, uses, and benefits, embedding in the environment, special features, and social interaction.

Indeed, you should demonstrate the size and scale of the product in the image so that the customer can know the actual size of the product.

If the product image is bright and attractive then you can grab more volume of sales. You can use a minimum of five images of the product with all features.

In the below, you may see how they have given the images bright and attractive. In fact, they have shown all features like border, printing in the saree, and the design in the saree.

5. Revise Description

To make your product superior to other products you must concentrate on the product description. So try to write the major features and important details of your products so that the customers can understand the features of the products before making a purchase decision. This will make the sales easier and also it will keep the buyer product returns low. and don’t use paragraphs. Instead, write in bullet points and add important details of your product.

Don’t stuff keywords but Make sure to keep your description with major keywords in a natural way. Remember, the description should be simple and it should have more information about the product.

6. Encourage reviews

Reviews are the social proof that your product is in high standards. Especially when you are a new seller, getting a review is not that easy. Only the high quality product and on time delivery can get you better reviews.

And also, you must take action to rectify the problems which causes negative review.

Additionally, respond to both negative and positive reviews in a polite manner. This can help you to earn the trust from the viewers.


If you sell a product which is available in various sizes, colors or other variations then amazon allows you to group those products as variations.

Basically, Amazon shows all the variations of the product under the same page. So customers can see all the buying options on the same page.

So it gives higher chances of sales of those products.

8. Amazon Ads

List and forget won’t work in amazon. In order to get higher visibility to your products you can try running amazon ads.

There are various types of amazon ads available. To start with you can run sponsor product ads. This will get more visibility to your products. Remember, you can expect good volume of sales from amazon ads only if you strategies & optimize them properly.

If you are not so aware of amazon ads, you can always contact our amazon advertising agency for further support.

9. Drive external traffic

To increase sales, you can drive some external traffic from social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram. To start with, just share your products in your social media accounts. Next, you can create a business page to share these products. Once you are comfortable with those business pages then you can start doing paid advertising campaigns.